For over 150 years the Vienna Singverein has been proof that amateurs can perform music to the highest standards. Over the years, the Choir of the Society of the Friends of Music in Vienna has consistently been ranked among the best concert choirs in the world.
In 1858 the Society of the Friends of Music decided to re-organize its musical life. Whereas instrumental music had long moved to the domain of the professionals, choral music was to remain the province of the amateurs – but in a new and highly efficient form. Thus, the Singverein of the Society of the Friends of Music in Vienna came into being, as a sub-branch of the Society. From the start , the newly formed choir, under the baton of the young Johann Herbeck, achieved such a high standard that it became the chosen interpreter of many important first performances. Notably, in 1867 the Singverein performed the first three movements of Brahms’ “Requiem”, and was the choir in the premiere performances of Bruckner’s “Te Deum”, Mahler’s Eighth Symphony and Franz Schmidt’s “Book with Seven Seals”.
With Johannes Prinz – Choir Master since 1991 - the Singverein entered the 21st century as a highly sought after, stylistically flexible choir. T
The artistic home of the Singverein is the Golden Hall of the Vienna Musikverein, where its many commitments make a decided impression on the concert programs.