
Choir Concert Sunday, 23.3.25, 11h

Let the flowers speak! Clara's Flower Album' is the beautiful theme of the Musikverein Festival 2025 - and we are prominently involved with our choir concert. In the first part of a blossoming programme specially conceived for the Festival, we present a bouquet of fantastic choral works by Boulanger, Franck, Debussy and Fauré. The second part is a fairytale with a rarely heard, enchanting work by Robert Schumann: 'The Pilgrimage of the Rose'. We are joined by Justus Zeyen at the piano and six outstanding vocal soloists.

Lili Boulanger. Renouveau
Claude Debussy: Salut printemps
Camille Saint-Saëns: Calme des nuits, op. 68/1 and Les fleurs et les arbres
Gabriel Fauré: Les Djinns
Lili Boulanger: Hymne au soleil

Robert Schumann: Der Rose Pilgerfahrt

Johannes Prinz, conductor
Marie-Sophie Pollak, Soprano, (Rose)
Maria Ladurner, Soprano
Anja Mittermüller, Mezzosoprano
Mauro Peter, Tenor, (narrator)
Manuel Walser, Bariton
Zacharías Galaviz-Guerra, Bariton
Justus Zeyen, piano

for tickets


Article in "Musikfreunde" magazine

The current issue of "Musikfreunde" magazine features a report on the Vienna Singverein and its upcoming concerts in March 2025. Five interviews with members of the choir provide a brief insight into what makes the Singverein so fascinating. 

Curious? Read more here (only in German): 

Musikfreunde März 2025

Johannes Prinz conducted in Madrid

Johannes Prinz conducted a choral organ concert upon the invitation of the Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid on 8 February 2025. The concert in the Auditorio Nacional de Madrid offered a challenging programme with works by Kodály and Britten, performed by the Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid (Artistic Director: Josep Vila i Casaña) and David Malet on the organ.

You can find the full programme here: 

Concert program

Memorial concert live on Ö1

On Sunday, January 19, 2025, Ö1 had broadcast the “Johann Strauss Memorial Concert” from the Golden Hall of the Musikverein. Oksana Lyniv was conducting the ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra and numerous soloists such as Miriam Kutrowatz, Anna Prohaska, Anna Lucia Richter and Johannes Bamberger were performing alongside the Vienna Singverein. 

Rehear at:

Erinnerungskonzert Johann-Strauss

Anton Zeilinger and the Singverein in "kulturMontag"

You can rewatch the report on the concert with fragments of the requiem by W.A. Mozart here:


Singverein on tour

Wiener Singverein on tour with Arthur Honegger´s „Jeanne dArc au bûcher“

Between December 12 and 18, 2024, the Wiener Singverein performed Arthur Honegger's large-scale dramatic oratorio “Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher”, which retells the story of the French resistance fighter and national heroine Joan of Arc, four times in the famous concert halls of Frankfurt, Paris, Vienna and Hamburg.

"Wiener Advent" to re-listen

Listen to the traditional Advent concert of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra with the Vienna Singverein, Rosa Feola and Kate Lindsey under the direction of Stéphane Denève here: 

Erlebnis Bühne mit Barbara Rett: Adventkonzert der Wiener Symphoniker aus dem Stephansdom - ORF ON

Axel Hiller becomes Diector of Concert and Media at the Salzburg Festival

On May 1, 2025, Axel Hiller (bass in the Vienna Singverein) will take over the management of the “Concert and Media” department at the Salzburg Festival.

Our warmest congratulations!

Agnes Schnabl wins Choral conducting competition

Agnes Schnabl, formerly member of Wiener Singverein and a graduate of Johannes Prinz´s choral conducting class at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, won the first prize at the internationally acclaimed competition for choral conductors "London International Choral Conducting Competition". 
We congratulate her warmly!

Schicksalslied and Lobgesang to Re-listen

The celebratory concert for Arnold Schönberg's 150th birthday on September 13, 2024 was broadcast by ORF III and is available at the following link:

Gurre-Lieder auf ORF III

Fairness for all voices

from "Musikfreund, March 2024":

"Away from the heavy choir, towards the lighter, transparent sound that is in demand internationally today" - this is the motto of the success story of the Singverein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna under the direction of Johannes Prinz. On March 10, there will be a reunion in the large Musikvereinssaal under his baton.

To the Musikfreund article